Using rugby pitch covers can help keep your pitch in good condition
Matchsaver is proud to offer one of the most effective rugby pitch covers available. All of our pitch protection systems are designed by experienced specialists to ensure they provide unbeatable quality.
Expert installation services are also available so you can be certain that everything is done correctly. The quality of our pitch covers has seen us work with high profile sporting clubs from all around the world, including Real Madrid, Chelsea and Juventus. We are focused on delivering the best customer service alongside our great products.
In every sport the quality of the playing surface is one of the most important factors. A great deal of investment normally goes into ensuring that surfaces are kept in the best possible condition. Many clubs choose to install expensive under-soil heating to protect surfaces against frost and excessive water. These systems can be very effective but can greatly increase your energy bills. The cost of purchasing and installing them can also be a bit off putting.
Matchsaver’s pitch covers provide a cost effective alternative to expensive underground heating. They offer the same great level of protection against freezing temperatures and excessive moisture whilst also improving the germination of the turf. The covers can be used on any sized playing surface and are suitable for both natural and synthetic pitches. Whether it is a stadium or training field, our products can help to keep the surface in pristine condition without huge heating bills. If you already have under-soil heating our covers can be used in conjunction with it, reducing your heating costs and cutting carbon emissions.
Warm air can be used to inflate the covers and create an insulated barrier between the surface and colder air temperatures. The cover will help to keep temperatures to an acceptable level and provide optimum conditions for the turf. With our products you never need to worry about cancelling fixtures because of a frozen pitch; once the cover is removed the surface will be ready to use.
If you’re looking for rugby pitch covers we have several products to offer. The Matchsaver Automated Pitch Protection (APP) system is widely regarded as the most effective available. A simple roller system lets you automatically cover or reveal the surface when it is needed. Made from a tough waterproof multi-layer material, the APP is durable and designed to be driven over by tractors with brush attachments to remove snow. Using the system gives the surface the protection it needs and also makes it greener and healthier.
The Matchsaver Air Roller System (ARS) is another highly regarded product that offers fast deployment and superior protection. Innovative inflatable rollers allow the cover to be quickly unrolled without requiring a large number of groundsmen. The system offers the same great protection as the APP.
All of the products we offer are manufactured in the UK and extensively quality checked. Matchsaver is proud to offer the best rugby pitch covers and work with sports clubs all around the world. To find out more please contact us. You can talk to one of our dedicated advisers by calling +44 (0) 1642 718945. We have the experience and flexibility to offer pitch cover systems for any sized playing surface.